Happy Monday! "Blog Of The Week"

Hi There Blogging Family!

I started a new thing a week ago and that is to post about a special blog that I especially like and title it my Blog Of The Week! I got this fabulous idea on a weekend, but from now on I will post my Blog Of The Week on Mondays. Well this week I want to introduce you to my sweet blogging friend Ellen. Ellen authors the beautiful blog entitled “Inretrospect – a Journey“. In Ellen’s blog she pours out her soul as if she is talking directly to God, but talking loud enough for us all to hear and appreciate. My dear friend Ellen was hit with a personal tragedy in early December, and when she returned to blog about it she shared with us her journey to wholeness. As Ellen continues on her journey in retrospect, please keep her lifted up in prayer as she struggles to regain her footing in life.
Please stop by Ellen’s blog and share a little blogger love with this delicate flower of the Philippians!