Stop, Be Still, and Hear Him!

Well, here we are halfway through another Friday! Time is going by so fast; I have to wonder when do we have time to really commune with God. When do you have time to just be still and hear what He is trying to tell you? Often times people get frustrated with their lives because it appears that God is not hearing their prayers, or blessing them, or even aware of their existence.
But in all actuality He is waiting for you. Waiting for you to STOP, BE STILL, and HEAR HIM!
We get up (late!) rush through our daily routines (shower, breakfast, get kids fed & off to school, etc.), rush to the office (late!) prepare for the meetings, conferences, lunches, rush to pick up kids from school (late!), run to the store, to grab dinner (which will be on the table late!), run to the cleaners, rush home make diner, review homework, give baths, get kids to bed, spend quality time with significant other, try to straighten up the house, turn on the nightly news which you fall asleep on! Of course this may not be exactly your life, but can you see some of your routine in there?

Where was the time that you spent with God, in prayer or in reading the Word, or in just acknowledging Him at all? So when you can’t seem to get your life on track, or you don’t see a break through or answers to prayer it is not that God isn’t there or didn’t hear you, or didn’t answer you, it may simply be that God is there waiting for YOU! Waiting for you to stop rushing, running, racing through your life and take a moment to spend time with Him…
Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God;…”

STOP, BE STILL, and HEAR what the Lord has for you today!