Words Of Wisdom About… Creative Writing!

I started a weekly post titled “Words Of Wisdom About…”. Each Tuesday I publish a post written by a guest blogger who will talk about a topic of my choosing. Today’s post is my sixth installment of these guest posts. Please enjoy as Ms Marvalus, a friend of mine and a sister by faith discusses what inspires her to write…

Writing Is My Passion!!!
I am a lover of words; I love watching them come together to form a story, or poem. I think that is probably why I love music so much; it not only is the beats that can affect my heart and soul, but it is always the words that tie me to an artist. I love a poet, someone who is able to display their emotions through the power of thought-provoking and meaningful lyrics.
I have always been a writer. It has taken me a long time to stand in that spot and claim it, but looking back, I now know that this is what has always been in my heart to do. I remember the stories that I used to create during my after school conversations with my best girlfriend. I had us in Paris and London, travelling with Duran Duran and New Edition (as their girlfriends and wives, not groupies), and the adventures we would go on. It was like tuning into a daily soap opera. Looking back on those times now brings a smile to my face, but also makes me realize the beginning of this journey that I’ve been on.
Since then, I have written many, many short stories, poems, and have even begun to write a novel that will one day be published (gotta keep positive!). It is fulfilling a need within me that I write; I can no longer contain it. I keep a notebook by my bed, because there are times when I wake in the middle of the night to the characters inside me speaking, wanting to be let out. Where does this come from? I believe that is the opening of the doors and once you allow your mind and spirit to flow freely, it welcomes the chance to create. It is about having an open mind, I think…being able to look at the world from all sides, not just one-dimensionally.
But it isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Writing is work, believe it or not. It requires unmitigated focus and commitment. It also requires organization and attention to detail. Thankfully, I have spent most of my life in Corporate America in a field that allowed me to enhance these skills. Using what I have learned has only enhanced what I consider a God given gift. I’ve read articles that say anyone can write a book; of course they can. But it goes beyond that…putting words on paper is all fine and good, but how about doing what your heart wants you to do?
True writers write because it is their passion. They write because they have to, not to get rich or famous. There are many writers who are never published, but some of their works are brilliant. Passion is what drives me; writing gives me a voice to share with the world. I am not looking for acclaim, or fame, or wealth. I write to satisfy a calling. And I would have it no other way.

I am a trainer and instructional designer by trade, and writer by nature. I am originally from Kansas City, Missouri and am the mother of a 12-year-old son who is the light of my world. I have been a blogger since 2006, and am the owner of two blogs, The Marvalus View and Live Marvalously!

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